Chapter 2. Virtual Machine

There are 2 ways to access the virtual machine: sending direct command using network chunk system and through Lua-script environment. Lua environment is briefly described here and directy commands are described in "idefs.h"

Binding is divided into modules. Here's the list of modules defined for today:

system module is responsible for environment behavior, custom messaging system and clock.

chunk module is responsible for decoding binary chunks.

gui module is responsible for 2D output.

input module is responsible for input (keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc.).

scene module is responsible for 2D scenes and 3D scenes.

camera module is responsible for cameras.

viewport module is responsible for viewports.

plain_model module is responsible for plain models.

plain_light module is responsible for plain lights.

audio module is responsible for audio system.

bit module is responsible for bitwise operations.

math module is responsible for mathematical operations (from builtin Lua modules).

string module is responsible for strings (from builtin Lua modules).

table module is responsible for tables (from builtin Lua modules).